We dream that all people have the opportunity to better understand the aspects of their psychological and physical well-being, making access to wellbeing services easy and quick (from healthcare to sport, and whatever in your life makes you feel good).


Our mission is to provide digital reliable metrics to improve access and management of mental healthcare pathways by empowering professionals with feedback and people with self-care insights.


A digital interface to understand your well-being status through estimates of your emotional resilience, i.e. your ability to manage and cope with stress and emotional response.

Connect your favourite health apps  and devices to automatically collect data. You will immediately receive your well-being scores, and learn how your body and brain relate to environmental stressors and what actions you can take to improve your emotional well-being.


Basically, any health device is supported, trough SDK or Health Apps APIs! We provide also specific plug-in for medical-grade or research devices, in case you need a deeper level of data flow and granularity.

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